How it works ?
- I place an ad online for free
- Automatic connections are made every day
- I receive a message alerting me that my item has been found
- I follow the instructions to collect my item
- Make your declaration of lost which will be sent to us immediately.
- If your item is likely to have been found, you will get our contact details and can contact us directly with a reference number.
If you have lost an item or found an item in another region, please post an announcement on the main site.
And it works
Practical sheets
I've lost an item in an airplane
Read "I've lost an item in an airplane"Have you lost an item in an airplane? Left under the seat in front of you or in the overhead lockers? Please read the following so that we help find your lost property.
I've lost my camera
Read "I've lost my camera"Lost your camera? This always happens at the worst possible time, and it might contain irreplaceable memories… This is what you can do.
I've lost a cuddly
Read "I've lost a cuddly"Loosing a child's cuddly is parents worst nightmare. Here are a few hints to handle this situation the best possible way... despite the screaming.